Becoming Part of the Solution



  • 24/7 Abatement: Our team uses the most advanced and humane rodent dispatching equipment on the market from goodnature. The equipment self-resets after every humane dispatch. This provides our clients with consistent service around the clock with-out disruption.

  • TRACKABLE DATA: Our equipment keeps track of every rodent that is humanely dispatched. This data provides our clients with tangible results and helps us monitor the unique needs of each property.

  • DISCRETE: California hosts a robust rodent population, but our clients don’t want to be reminded of that every day. We appreciate the need for discretion in our industry. We camouflage our equipment into your landscape for discrete service, unseen by clientele and guests.



  • POISON-FREE: Our trapping system is 100% green. Most conventional methods used today cause secondary poisoning to local wildlife. Every client we service helps reduce the amount of rodenticide poisoning in our community.

  • CLEAN SCAVENGING: All rodents humanely dispatched by our equipment provide local wildlife with poison-free scavenging. This method supports the natural ecosystem. When natural predators stay healthy they also reduce the rodent population.

  • HUMANE STANDARD: The trapping system by goodnature has been tested and stated as humane by international welfare standards cited in Morriss and Warburton. We support a higher standard of wildlife interaction by not using inhumane methods such as poison or glue traps when interacting with wildlife. Humane efficacy study for the US can be found here: USDA





Have more questions? No problem! Here are answer to the frequently asked questions regarding our rodent abatement service.



  • What equipment do you use to abate rats and mice?: We proudly use the A24 by New Zealand owned company goodnature. These trapping units are the most humane and effective on the market.

  • Will the equipment harm my pets? No. The equipment is designed to attract and abate rodents, not dogs and cats. We have not had any issues with pets being injured by our equipment.

  • Will the equipment harm non-target wildlife? Since the traps are designed to attract rodents we have found that chipmunks, ground squirrels and voles have been abated by our equipment. Rabbits, raccoons, skunks and other scavenging mammals are not attracted into the trapping mechanism.

  • Why do you only offer monthly service? The initial phase of our service dramatically reduces the population on a property. However, rats and mice will continue to migrate onto a property, build nests and breed. For this reason, monthly abatement is needed to prevent new colonies from establishing.

  • How much do you charge? Our monthly abatement service is quoted to fit the needs of each property. With that in mind, we are happy to provide service quotes after we have had an on-property consultation. Please feel free to contact us to schedule a consultation.

  • Do you trap inside structures? No. We do not do any abatement work inside of structures for several reasons. Our methods bring the rodents into the landscaped areas around your home to be dispatched.

  • Dose Paradise Pest Control find and seal rodent access (exclusion)? No. We refer exclusion work to trained construction professionals that we trust.

  • Will there be a big pile of dead rodents in my yard? No. The dispatched rodents are typically scavenged by local wildlife (opossums, raccoons, cats, etc). We will also dispose of any rodents we find when your monthly maintenance is conducted.

  • Does it really matter if I use poison on my property? Rodenticides are proven to effect wildlife and pets. Sadly, some of our clients have switched to our service because of a pet that was injured or killed by eating a rodent that had ingested rodenticide. The more we reduce poison in our communities, the better chance our wildlife and pets have of avoiding secondary poisoning.

  • What can I do to reduce rodent populations on my property: There are many things that can be done to hinder rodent populations on a property. Here is more information on DIY methods from the CDC.